Aaaaa! for the Awesome/Musorqua Prototype #4
Hot off the presses, it's Aaaaa! for the Awesome/Musorqua Prototype #4. It's a small (but useful?) iteration on our previous two concept videos. If you haven't seen them, here are two earlier prototypes that lead up to this:
(Prototype #1)
(Prototype #2)
I think it's looking more interesting. Are we moving in the right direction? We'll add a few more iterations before we're done with the prototype stage. If it looks like a game, at that point, we'll move it into active development.
Nice i like the look of it, and i have a few ideas which you can abviously blatently ignore if you want to :).
Idea 1: you have tubes like in Aaaa but when you go inside them it sets a constant level for a certain track e.g. a blue tube would make the blue sample at a constant leve while you are in it
Idea 2: perhaps haveing different shaped orbs for differnt music styles, e.g. if you do a rock song it would be square or pointy but if you did say blues it would be a smooth soft blob and dureing the track as the song changes its tempo and intensity that the orbs reflect that somehow. hope ive helped e-mail me if u like my idea at i dont use my wordpress account often
Anonymous, At
November 25, 2009 at 3:48 AM
But there is a mysterious missing video #3!
I like the look of the new vid. I don't remember seeing those yellow small rectangles before (are they replacing the small circles for the vocals or is this a dif. thing to hit?) Do we have to hold down the left mouse button to hit them or is it automatically firing?
Anonymous, At
November 25, 2009 at 3:17 PM
Ooh I like where you're going with this. You could have all kinds of gamemodes in there. I also kind of hope the sound effects for when you hit the notes are not final D:
DiscoBiscuit, At
November 28, 2009 at 2:11 PM
I seriously like the way this is looking, but the idea of constant black orbs, which also make a sound, kinda messes up the song.
What would really be awesome though, if you could create an algorithm that'd calculate any song you give it. We haven't seen that kind of thing happen yet. Audiosurf was going the right way but didn't make it feel like you were actually a part of the song, or like anything you did mattered at all to the song. Like Guitar hero does, you should be able to hit the notes to keep the music going, and missing the notes or striking them the wrong way would distort the song.
That said, the real way to make sure this prototype would work as a game is to make it more interactive. I'm still noticing that it doesn't really seem intense to play, more laid-back and for a quick break. The way you toned down the volume if you didn't hit anything for a while was a jump in the right direction.
May have gone off on a ramble again, oh well!
Shayral, At
December 2, 2009 at 2:39 AM
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