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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

An Amaaaaaaaaaaaazing Review!

Do you often find yourself pausing in debilitating and unshakable fear when about to fling yourself off a skyscraper, mountaintop, or other monstrously tall structure? Are you made to feel ashamed at this apparent lack of gumption? Don't worry - this reaction is perfectly normal, the voice of natural selection warning you that doing so will most likely result in a brief moment of glory and a sticky puddle at the base where your bones used to be - to the betterment of your species.

Your wild-eyed and twitchy critics who occasionally shout "Deploy parachute fins!" are probably not serious in their abuse - they've just been playing AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity from indie developer Dejobaan Games.

Here's one of the simpler courses. Good luck!

A cure to your fear lies in the highly stylized graphics of AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity - guaranteed to induce a high heart rate. The game places you on top of a tall object and instructs you to jump off. You earn points by falling horrifyingly close to buildings to earn hugs and kisses, smashing through point plates, and landing safely, in increasingly complicated aerial landscapes.

This is your menu. Lots of levels and random goodies await!

The exhilarating sense of acceleration often speeds me right to my doom, and short levels make my frequent failures tolerable, inviting both casual and dedicated play. I find myself using spare minutes between classes and naps to jump off some more buildings. Occasionally steering my unfortunate avatar feels like piloting a well-meaning but amazingly un-aerodynamic rhino, but other appeals make up for it.

The setting, in a sort of sci-fi Boston is a little difficult to grasp, but shiny buildings that light up and humorous holographic ads lend a playful atmosphere, which goes great with the energetic music. There are loads of levels with diverse objectives and presentations, and enough challenges that an individual determined to make 4 or 5 stars on every level would confront a fairly brutal opponent. If you need a break from gameplay you can relax with an ... inspiring anti-meditation. I suggest experimenting with listening to different styles of music to create your own perfect soundtrack - I think Aaaa! goes best with chill hip hop or epic metal!

All in all, I have totally fallen for this game.


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