Videogame Celebrity Status: Achieved!
A few weeks ago Dejobaan hosted a contest asking Twitterers to tweet their best AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! faces to us. In return for just one scream into a camera that may have been cause for concern for some of your neighbors, and may or may not have warranted a police response, the winner would be immortalized in AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! -- A Reckless Disregard for Gravity. The lucky Tweeter would win a copy of the game as well, so they could see their beautiful mug free of charge. We finally have that winner! OMG! Get your camera! Call TMZ! Is that Lindsay Lohan?!
No, it's @Jared_K! Congratulations to @Jared_K! It was your face we pulled out of a hat (you are now imagining pulling a face out of a hat, maybe by the nostrils) and you are our grand prize winner! Hooray! Like the faces of great men carved into stone, yours shall be carved into code.
No, it's @Jared_K! Congratulations to @Jared_K! It was your face we pulled out of a hat (you are now imagining pulling a face out of a hat, maybe by the nostrils) and you are our grand prize winner! Hooray! Like the faces of great men carved into stone, yours shall be carved into code.
Hats? Faces? Nostrils?! I thought you were all busy trekking on Finalisation Mountain! I am disappointed at your lack of discipline!
By jack, At August 27, 2009 at 4:01 PM
Just the developers. No word from them yet, but I saw a Sherpa screaming and running away this morning.
By Greg, At August 27, 2009 at 4:15 PM
Crap. He's right! EVERYONE LOOK BUSY!
Also, have you seen my dog?
By Ichiro Lambe, At August 28, 2009 at 12:50 AM
Off topic, but nothing else for now to say it. Aaaaaaaah is now on Steam ( ). Regular price, 15 dollars, and currently in preorder offer with 10% off and "the wonderful end of the world" offered. This is a good price for this game, I guess.
Though, a problem. The preorder offer from Dejobaan was "Preorder now, save 10$, pay it only 15$". ( )
So, in short, people who trusted Dejobaan in the first place, and preordered, are finally paying the regular price, and finally more than people preoerdering the last week, from Steam.
Congratulations on your consideration for people who preordered from you.
By Unknown, At August 28, 2009 at 6:58 AM
There's hardly any difference to what I paid Dejobaan for the preorder and to what I'd pay for it on Steam. I'm quite happy Dejobaan got a bit more of my money :) Plus playing the pre-release was rather swell (perhaps you can consider that making up for the price difference?)
Speaking of Steam, does this mean it's going to be possible to register our non-Steam copies of Aaaaa! on Steam?
By jack, At August 28, 2009 at 7:10 AM
We wanted to give direct pre-orders something extra, with the 30-level pre-release, and also reserved seats in the 3 exclusive beta events, which covered 15 new levels too.
That said, we've always prided ourselves on making folks happy (both within the game and outside of it), so here's the bottom line: if you feel we've let you down, drop me (personally!) an e-mail (, and I'll make it right.
Seriously! I'll repeat that: By the time you're spoken with us, you'll either be happy, or you'll have a refund. We write our games to make people laugh, and not cry.
By Ichiro Lambe, At August 28, 2009 at 12:09 PM
i love this awesome game! (it somehow reminds me of "Spacestation Silicon Valley" for the N64 xD)
pre-order went smoothly, the pre-order version is sick (sick in the good way... if there is any =D ).
@ steam:
I personally would have pre-ordered directly from dejobaan anyways because I don't really like steams policy and by spending money on steam you always jeopardize your money (accounthacking is a VERY serious issue on steam!) - so keep that in mind, toss a penny or two more into dejobaans pocket instead down the throats of a greedy pack o' wolves, order the game directly and have some freaky fun ;)
By Nordri, At August 29, 2009 at 3:22 AM
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